macro shots



i know this has been posted a lot but i wanted to start on myself. So, here are the rules
*post a macro shot of anything in your tank.
*tell what kind of camera
*tell what kind of lights you had on your tank at the time of your photo


Active Member
macro shots hummmm
ok let me try

i use a cheapy olympus D-545 4.0 megapixel camera that has 3x's optical and 4x's digital zoom got it like 2 years ago for $200
i use it mainly on sports mode since its a faster shutter speed for crisper photos
i have 3-250W phoenix 14K's over my tank in PFO pendants and PFO HQI ballast.... i have no actinics


wow, those are some good shots. i have a nice camera but no corals to take pics of :(
did you all have to zoom in on your corals to take your pics? on my cam, if u zoom in just a little, i wont be able to focus. who else has a camera with this "disease"
THANKS FOR POSTING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Originally Posted by Nemo_66
wow, those are some good shots. i have a nice camera but no corals to take pics of :(
did you all have to zoom in on your corals to take your pics? on my cam, if u zoom in just a little, i wont be able to focus. who else has a camera with this "disease"
THANKS FOR POSTING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi! What is the model & make of your camera? I am a tech junkie & might be able to help you out if you want. I might be just a matter of getting the proper settings on you camera set. Most digital cameras have a macro mode that you need to manually engage. Let me know


Originally Posted by murph145
macro shots hummmm
ok let me try

i use a cheapy olympus D-545 4.0 megapixel camera that has 3x's optical and 4x's digital zoom got it like 2 years ago for $200
i use it mainly on sports mode since its a faster shutter speed for crisper photos
i have 3-250W phoenix 14K's over my tank in PFO pendants and PFO HQI ballast.... i have no actinics
Just gos to show its not all about the camera.Those are sweet pics.


Active Member
Some very nice pics indeed....

I would also like to know if you all zoom in on those corals or leave the camera as normal??
I have a sony 3.2 mp 3xoptical zoom and when I zoom in on anything in my tank in macro it is very blurry even with a tripod. What gives....... :notsure:


Active Member
thanks everyone yeah u know after playin with the settings on this camera for a while i found what works best for what shots u know'
heres a few more i took



Active Member
Originally Posted by Debbie
Some very nice pics indeed....

I would also like to know if you all zoom in on those corals or leave the camera as normal??
I have a sony 3.2 mp 3xoptical zoom and when I zoom in on anything in my tank in macro it is very blurry even with a tripod. What gives....... :notsure:

when i take macro shots i dont zoom this camera does the same thing so i have to take pictures of corals that are around 12" away to get realy nice closeups otherwise its not as clear and crisp


the model is a powershot A530 and it is a canon. thanks for posting. im glad to know its not just my camera. i'll try to get some pics up. not much of a macro but i guess just to post



Active Member
when u do macro just take a close shot then use your photoshop program to crop and make the pic larger


oh yea, i do use macro mode on my program. i can change any setting i want on this mode


Active Member
your pics look clear save them on photobucket at 800 pixels and they will look larger on the site that way u can see more detail


Active Member
oh my! all these pictures are amazing!!! Murph, your tank is my dream tank! I think you should come help me! lol


ya murph, i want to come to Socal and pay admission to gaze at your tank for an hour! One of the best iv'e seen on this site, and across the internet