Macroalgea in main tank?


New Member
I decided to go ahead and keep my Wet/Dry w/ bioballs, but now what do I do with the plants I had in my fuge?
Well I just planted them in the LS in my tank!
Does anyone else keep plants in there display tanks?


New Member
Hmm the only fish I have that might eat the plants is a Coral beauty. It shows no interest in them.
I only plan on adding a yellow watchman goby, and longnose hawk.
Wow I feel soo much better knowing I don't need to worry about my filtration anymore!!!
I must say, I am in love with my new hobby; so addictive!


Just be careful putting macroalgaes in the display. They can grow out of control pretty quick. They also attach to the liverock sometimes and it is difficult to totally remove them. Other than that they can look really good. JMO