Maculosous Angel help


For the past two days now, my Angel is in QT. She's been in there since 7/10. So, it's been two weeks. I noticed a white cottony type substance right on the tip of one of her side fins. I dont know if they are the pectorals. Anyway. She's been acting far as breathing, eating, hiding. She's also in there with a Picasso trigger. Both were placed at the same time. I didnt know if this is something to keep my eye on, or what. The rest of her body, and fins are fine. The last water parameter, were, Ammonia 0, Nitrates and Nitrites 0 Ph was a bit low. 7.9-8.0. Thanks for your help.


Staff member
Pete, take a look at the the Diseased Fish Thread at the top of this forum and then scroll down to look at the banner fish with Lymphocyctis. Does what you see look anything like this? Perhaps not as severe in your angel.


It looks the same. I guess. Not as severe, though. my angel has only one spot. If it is, Lymphocyctis, how quickly will it spread, and what is used to treat it?


Staff member
It won't spread except perhaps on the same fish. There is no medication. Quality food and good tank environment, no stress on fish will take care of it. It should clear up if you can meet those conditions.
Keep an eye on it, though, just in case the diagnoses was not correct.


I've been keeping my eye on the possible lymphocyctis. It seems to be getting larger. Just that one spot. When I looked it up in a book at Borders, Its appearance looked more cauliflowerish than what i'm seeing. But, I cant get too close to my fish to definately make that diagnosis. Can I use a magnifying glass as he swims by?


Staff member
If you can use a magnifying glass to look that would be great. Is the fish eating? If so, try hand feeding it with a turkey baster. As you coax it to eat, use the glass to get a look at it. How long have you had this fish? I suppose you can't get a pic up?


He's eating very well. He tries to beat the hummu to the food each time. How long? This Saturday will be 3 weeks.


Oh, I forgot about the pic...yeah, at this time, I'm still running Windows 95. Stop laughing. LOL. And the only digital camera I have is my daughter' s Barbie .5 mega pixel camera. So, I dont think it' will do any good. My other option is taking a conventional pic, developing it, scanning, it, then posting it. Or, I could get it placed on a photo CD, then posting it.


Staff member

Originally posted by PeteM
I'm still running Windows 95. Stop laughing. LOL. And the only digital camera I have is my daughter' s Barbie .5 mega pixel camera.

Sounds to me like you are electronically deprived. 3 wks in a QT should have you up and running to a your nearest Circuit City!
:D :D :D


Staff member
lymph can look like all kinds of things. I have seen some pics that would make you think you are seeing the flesh eating disease rather than lypmp. Try some heavy feedings with garlic just in case it is a parasite haning on.
Not much else to do in the display.


Okay, so, after work today, I saw my Angel, and, it appears as if the "Lymphocyctis" shrank. Its appearance now is about the size of pin head. "Things that make you go hmmm." I wonder, if the fish's immune system is taking care of it, little by little.


Staff member
That would follow the lymph theory.
Try doing a water change this weekend, and for the next month, feed your fish garlic soaked food. If they don't take to that, try zoecon in the food.