MAD Cleaner Shrimp in my BioCube?


Active Member
Hi all, I just added my first cleaner shrimp to my tank. He is very cool but appears to be very outgoing. I came home last night and saw there was the start of some green algea on my glass so I deceided to clean it. As I was scrubbing the tank, which seemed to be more of a chore than I had anticipated. The shrimp came right over to the brush and sort of what appeared to look like attacking it. It was funny to see and I wasnt sure if he was aggrivated at its presence or if he was picking up small pieces of algea to eat off of it. Then this morning there was a gang of hermits close to the edge of the tank all over a rather large abandon snail shell. On my live rock there was the shrimp with a huge piece of the snail that once inhabited that shell. Not to get graphic or anything but he had its head eyes and all. Well needless to say he had a rather good breakfast. Is this normal or do I have an overly aggressive shrimp? :notsure:
Oh yea and one other thing, all of a sudden there is this stringy like spider web substance that appears now and then. It hangs off my live rock and sways in the current. Then after a bit it breaks loose and its gone. Does anyone know what that stuff is? :thinking:


Active Member
hey thanx for ur input on my thread. will take into consideration. i too just got 2 cleaner shrimp. everytime i stick my hand in the tank to take a worm out or maybe move a rock it comes to investigate and even climb onto my hand.. i guess it was pretty funny and cool but other then that mine are pretty active but calm. about the spider web thing. i was reading some other guys thread he had the same thing. i think he said it was a worm that puts out a wed to catch food then pulls it in to eat or something. but i dun know im a newbie..


Active Member
Really? wow thats cool. I was reading about worms in tanks but I was curious as to how they get there because I havent seen any in mine. I thought they were an add as part of a clean up crew. Hope they arent dangerous to my tank, you said you were taking yours out? how come?


Active Member
The spider webs are spaghetti worms I believe. Look closely at your LR and you should see an 1/8" tube sticking from the rock. The worm lives inside the tube and expells the "web" to collect food. If you look long enough you will then see the web retract back into the tube where the worm eats whateve the web collected. These guys are safe...
The shrimp is fine...I don't think he killed your critter but just be a cleaner. My shrimp is the definately the most out going eater between him and the 2 clowns. He is usually the first one at the pellets, flakes, cycopleze, etc.


Active Member
Yea I was shocked last night I was feeding the clowns and the Gramma and he came flying out of the LR and gobbled up a rather large piece of Formula 1. I bet I can almost hand feed him if I want. THATS COOL !!!


Active Member
im talking about bristle warms..some are good some are bad i think ones i have are good,but they are starting to multiply pretty quick..i don't have a fish that eats the worms yet so im taking some out so they don't over run my tank..heres a pic of one..usually the worms are hitchikers from ur live rock...most ppl get them..u might see a couple soon..


Active Member
Hmmm intersting I am on the lookout for them but so far I havent found any. From what I have read there is a worm that can get into your tank that I believe is refered to as a fire worm. And from what I understand touching Lava is a better alternative than getting hit by one of these guys. Not looking forward to that at all.
My shrimp has actually turned out to be REALLY COOL !!
He has adapted this personality almost over night. He is extremly inquisitive and loves to see me put my hand in the tank. He has turned out to be a really cool add to my tank.


Active Member
bristle worms like the one i have in the the pic.. are also known as fire worms. do u see those spiny things on his back thats the think where u can't touch..

good alex

depends on your skin, if you have thicker skin like on your fingers then it wont hurt as bad or wont at all but if the bristles touch a part of you that has thinner skin like the upperpart of your arm then you'll definately feel them

good alex

different people react differently
forgot to add that
if your looking for a fish that will eat bristleworms ive heard that sixline wrasses will sometimes go for them, havent whitnessed it for my self though