mad peppermints


I think i got some mean peppermint shrimp....I added a sandsifting star and 2 porcelain crabs today, and as soon as I put the star in, they went right for it. And tonight when i looked in they were crowding one of the crabs and going to town on him, It is possible they were cleaning because the crab wasnt necessarily defending himself, but still it didnt look right. Anyone know if these shrimp will kill crabs?


I dont think they can-but I have peppermints in my tank-they totally cleaned up every single one of the aiptasia on my live rock in about two weeks.
They climb all over everything and are like little kids, really touchy feely. Anything new in the tank has to be totally checked out. The crab is certainly capable of defending himself. Actually, one of my larger peppermints shares a hole in a rock with my porcelain crabl. They seem to be great buddies, racing out to catch whatever is on the dinner menu.


my peppermints check out anything new that comes into the tank also. but it usually stops after about an hour and then they leave the newbie alone. but if they continue this peppermint shrimp are scavengers in nature, so if the item in question is close to dying they are just doing there job of cleaning up...