:mad: question?


my angels are picking on a moorish idol and a redfin butterfly i have rearanged the rock and left the lights off also fed them(its a koran and a grey) that are picking at the fish i just need some ideas how to get them to stop!!


Active Member
this is in the 125 right? whats the complete stock list like.
how much rock overall?
sometimes fish that are usually compatible just dont get along.


Active Member
How long have you had the idol and butterfly? Angels will often pick on newcomers and if the angel is large enough, it can do some damage. That said, bot the idol and redfin bf are very poor choices. My sense is both weill be dead soon anyway. The butterfly you selected is an obligate corallivore which in nature feeds exclusively on coral polyps. Unless you can supply it with a diet of coral, or you are the one in a thousand who gets it to eat a variety of prepared foods, it will die. The idol speaks for itself.


Research, research, research. Angels cannot go in the same tank even a 125. Morish idol will be dead in 6 months or less( do not live in captivity 99.9999% of the time. Get rid of the idol and 1 of the angels and you will be doing fine. Sorry, just the hard proven facts.


mmy angels have been in the tank together for mor then 4 years and the redfin and idol have ben in there 5 weeks and they just now started piking on eachother after i reagned my rock after i got some more!!!! i have about 1 pound of rock per gallon so like 120 pounds+ and im getting more.....its jus really wierd how rearanging the rock when i got new peices made my fish fight and its not a constant piking at its jus if they get near the angels holes they chase them away!but its not just the idol and the redfin its ne fish but manly those two my only guess would be they are the "newer" fish in the system like i said theyve been in there for 5 weeks and the rest of my fish have been in there for 4 years + and i have proven the 6 months thing rong i had a idol for a year and a half then my grouper got to big and ate him so that was goodbye to the grouper!!lol