
Well hello once again............
I have come to my senses!
i am going to have the following fish in my tank!
1 Yelllow Tang
1 Coral Beauty
2 Clarkii Clowns
2 Percula Clowns
I know i have got a tang in the tank...


Active Member
6 fish in a 55 (it is a 55g, right?)... that's certainly pushing it, but it is possible. The tang will get too large, that's going to be your problem. If you introduce the fish very slowly, it will give your tank time to adjust to the increasing bioload. I'd say start off with the coral beauty, then add 1 pair of clowns, then add the second pair of clowns, then add the tang. I'd say have a minimum of 1 month between additions, 2 months would be a better idea. Also, I'd wait a good 6 months before adding the tang. Make sure your tank is good and stable first... that will be the one to put you over the edge.
good luck.
EDIT: mixing clowns could cause you problems. I've read that different species will fight with each other, often till death. Pick one species of clown, go with a pair of them and find something else to replace the second pair of clowns... maybe 2-3 chromis or a firefish or two.


Active Member
I knew the tang would be a problem, and I mentioned that in my post. I did not know that different clown species would cause problems (I don't know much about clowns aside from maroons). Thanks for correcting me... gotta love the wealth of knowledge on this board!

kris m.

New Member
I have definetly hear that mixing clowns is bad idea, and for adding that many fish at one time will surely kill the tang.


Active Member
yeah mixing clowns is bad. I had a mated pair of maroons in a bubble tip anemone in one corner of my tank and my girlfriend wanted a clarkii to add to it. Well the bulle anemones split, and when it did i moved half of it to the opposite side of the tank farthest away from the maroons. I then introduced the clarkii and would only have problems with the three fighting when feeding time came around, but it eventually got so bad that i had to get a separate tank going just so my girlfriend could have her damn clarkii. And the tang will get way to big, unless you are willing to break your entire tank down to catch him at a later date, which will cause you and him an enormous amount of stress.


Active Member
i agree with jwtrojan, he's been asking about 2(maybe even 1) questions over and over, just rewording them, and he keeps getting the same answer, in fact, my eyes are tired fo reading up an d down these same posts and reading the same responses over and over, either he doesn't like advice or is looking to get under our skin or something bu --- seems there is no help here
that's just my 2 sense,
if he wants to keep 20 triggers and 6 tangs and a partidge in a pear tree in a50 let him , he won't change his mind and listeen to the advice he has been getting over and over, instead he will probably post back ansking the same thing again, or as jwt said about ick or something


Originally posted by fshhub:
, either he doesn't like advice or is looking to get under our skin or something bu --- seems there is no help here
huh huh huh.. uhh hey beavis.. he said "---" :D :D
sorry Im just being a smart ass.. :D :D


Active Member
Sven, you are such a funny little boy. You would do great with my 8 year old who asks me 20 different ways if she can have ice cream when she can't. I do love reading you posts. ( clever, clever) ;) :p


haha.. I think that a session with freaud might help you more than typing lessons.. hahah.. just kidding.. I hate when my typing fingers get fat.. :D


Active Member
that is why i responded to the others here, not ot answer his question, AGAIN, i and others have answered his question numerous times, and even elaborated, so he comes back and answers the same thing or another very similar question that was just answered by the detailed answer in the post before, baron i think was actually getting peaved, his one said this is the last time, but ya know what, here sven is again same scenario,
i know we would all like to help his fish be happy and healthy, but he won't listen, even giving the fact that none of us are out to harm, or profit, he still trusts the lfs, who would prefer to sell him more supplies and fish(after these die), this is how they get return customers, sell them and hope they only live 6-12 months and see you for more, but we would rather see the fish live for years(some even a decade or better),
one thing all newcomers must understand is that we cannot gain, and we aim for success, many lfs's have no idea how to keep a fish for the long run, they often don't keep their water for months, how are they supposed to know how to keep fish for longer(note, i did say most, i do realize there are some but the ratio is quite small)