Mag 350 Arrrg!

scopus tang

Active Member
Posted this in the new hobbiest section, but its probably more appropriate here.
Ok, so I've never used one of these carbon filters before, and this one is seriously frustrating me . I would really appreciate any help/advice anyone can give me on this. I set it up originally (brand new), no problem, ran for 1 month with no issues. Just changed carbon and reset. I had to take it apart and put it back together, and restart it with a PH about 10 times before I finally got it to run without filling my sump and tank with air bubbles . Thought my problem was solved. Ran two days, no issues. Then Wednesday night, I notice my temp in my tank just sky rocketting 79 to 82 in like 20 minutes. Immediately unplugged my heaters - temp continued to go. Unplugged sump (last weekend I upgraded from a Mag return pump to a Quiet One 4000 ~ thought maybe). Again no, As soon as I turned the sump off, I could hear the vibration in the the Mag 350 ~ shut it down. Sure enough, everything is back to normal temp. wise (heaters plugged in, sump running). What is up with this carbon filter. Any help/advice appreciated! Bout ready to drop kick this thing out the door


Active Member
Sounds like you have an air leak somewhere. I have a couple of the Magnum 250 units and have had problems with the o-ring under the top seating properly in the groove and letting in air. the pump will then really heat up. Don't know if the 350's have o-rings too but it definately soundslike an air leak either on the intake or in the canister itself.


Active Member
Get a tube of magic lube it made by aladdin.100% enviroment friendly.I have one and have no problems with them.


Active Member
I personally think the Magnum 350 was one of the worst designed canister filters ever made. It is a pain to put back together and prime and any little particle that gets into the impeller will chew grooves into it and the plactic housing.
i LOVE canister filters. Keeps water crystal clear, may not lower nitrate alone, but boy will it suck all of the nitrates out and in to the canister. If you clean the canister every couple weeks, they do wonders for removing nitrates. And your water is crystal clear. I am a fan of fluval, but also have a rena 350gph

scopus tang

Active Member
Originally Posted by Nordy
Sounds like you have an air leak somewhere. I have a couple of the Magnum 250 units and have had problems with the o-ring under the top seating properly in the groove and letting in air. the pump will then really heat up. Don't know if the 350's have o-rings too but it definately soundslike an air leak either on the intake or in the canister itself.
Based on the air bubbles that I'm seeing you could be right, guess I'll take it apart and try one more time ~ Thanks
Get a tube of magic lube it made by aladdin.100% enviroment friendly.I have one and have no problems with them.
Is this to use to seal the air leak?
I personally think the Magnum 350 was one of the worst designed canister filters ever made. It is a pain to put back together and prime and any little particle that gets into the impeller will chew grooves into it and the plactic housing.
I'm fast starting to agree with you on this ~ like I said, I'm about ready to drop kick it out the door! What do you use as a carbon filter? or do you ~ I know lots of people don't run carbon?
i LOVE canister filters. Keeps water crystal clear, may not lower nitrate alone, but boy will it suck all of the nitrates out and in to the canister. If you clean the canister every couple weeks, they do wonders for removing nitrates. And your water is crystal clear. I am a fan of fluval, but also have a rena 350gph
I switched over from the RENA XP2, cause I didn't like how the water wasn't directed through the carbon, but could go around.
Thanks to all folks, I appreciate the help.

scopus tang

Active Member
Originally Posted by digitydash
You use it to put on the lid o-ring.Their should be a o-ring on the lid when you take it apart.


I've heard of people using vasoline (petrolium jelly) for the same purpose. Pros and cons?
Not to hijack a thread but I do have a question about the 350 canister.
I just got a new one about a month and week ago, and I have yet to change out the carbon and I was wondering what the change out rate for the carbon is. My water is geting a whitish hue and its VERY annoying. Thank you in advance for the help :)

scopus tang

Active Member
Originally Posted by The Egregious
Not to hijack a thread but I do have a question about the 350 canister.
I just got a new one about a month and week ago, and I have yet to change out the carbon and I was wondering what the change out rate for the carbon is. My water is geting a whitish hue and its VERY annoying. Thank you in advance for the help :)
Feel free to highjack it, cause I'm done with it, but you will probably get better responses if you start your own thread. As far as the carbon change out, I change mine once a month and know lots of others who do as well. Others will tell you its no good after a few days, I don't agree, but a month and a week is probably too long. Hope that helps.