mag 7 or 9.5?


New Member
quick question,
i'm finishing up my planned sump/refugium setup (thanks to foxthorn and many others!). I'm purchasing a Nautilus Te and had decided on a mag 700 due to all the good things i'd heard about it. But then i saw some posts saying the 700's performance dropped off much quicker than the 950's as you increase the head. my sump will only be about 4' below my tank. i plan on using the schematic below, including the t-fitting over to the refugium. should i buy the 950 instead?
75G display
30L sump/refugium
Nautilus Te
AquaClear Overflow
mag 7 0r 9.5????


I agree go with the mag 9.5
I had a mag 7 on my sump/fuge for my 50g reef but recently switched to a mag 9.5 and have not regretted it


Go with the 9.5, so if you miught upgrade too a bigger tank, 90, 100, the mag 9.5 would still good.
Hondo what did you do with the mag 7?


New Member
thanks guys....i was kind of thinking along the same lines.
another question:
what are your opinions on the overall design of this sump/refugium? my other idea for a sump/fuge would be instead of buying a 30L to use in this plan, i could use a 29g i already own as a sump, and buy a separate 10g or bigger for the refugium. what are the pros and cons of each design?


pro: easier to fit inside a stand. more versitile.
con: cost of drilling glass to connect them, or the cost of an overflow.


Hey man. I'm not far away, in Pickerington. I originally went with a Mag 9.5 in my 125. I have it running the refugium, cross current protein skimmer and a spraybar return. It was pretty maxxed out. I ended up going up to a mag 12, and I'm glad I did. I have some spare pressure now, even though I've added a calcium reactor (small flow) in addition to the others. I'd go with a 9.5 minimum just to make sure you have enough flow.
Larry :cool:


Active Member
I'm a little confused. Are you talking a mag 7 to run your skimmer or mag 9.5 for your skimmer or mag 7 or 9.5 as your return. The mag 7 for your skimmer will have no head height and Kent recommends the mag 7 for the nautilus te. It works great. By the way, the nautilus te's output will not work with your design to output into a baffle area. The TE outflows right next to the riser tube and will be adjusted to get the right air/water mix. If you want to have your skimmer output to another area you will need a different skimmer than the TE.