Mag drive pump owners...


I was looking into getting a Mag18 for a return pump. I just read that they are "not recommended for saltwater aquarium external use"
That is the first I have ever heard of this.. Why do they say that they can be used internally and externally. I cannot find their homepage to look up this information. Is anyone useing these externally on their system>


Active Member
I have been using a Mag 7 as the return pump from my fuge (running 24/7) for a year and it is still going strong!. I also had a Mag 5 on a skimmer and still have a Mag 2 on my calcium reactor. IMO, one of the better pumps out there (for saltwater as well).

nm reef

Active Member
I have heard that magdrives can be problematic when used "externally"...they may develope leaks and they tend to make more noise than other external pumps. But I've been running a mag12 for a long time submerged and I've never had a problem...matter of fact I intend to get a mag18 in the near future but it'll also be used submerged.:cool:


a Mag18 might cause hurricane conditions in your 55. I started with a Mag9.5 in my 120 but just upgraded to a Mag12-perfect. Great pumps.


I use a mag 24 (submersed) with 15 foot of head. It works great, lots of power and have not touched it in 9 months. Speaking of which, I should probably break it down this weekend and clean it out......
only complaint, its loud. Small price to pay for dependability!


New Member
I'm using a Mag 18 on my 400 gallon reef, externally. It does make alot of noise, but it has not given me any problems. I also run a Mag 12 on my ETS, that I've had for 7years and still no problems. Best pumps I've ever had.:cool:


Thanks for the replys. also, this will NOT be going on/in my 55 gallon. I am looking for it to go on my 125 when i get it fully set up. i seems that i may be using it internally.
Is it still real loud internally?


depending on how fast your going to purchase I will give you some feed back on the Velocity T4. I am going to order it this week and set up a closed loop system outside the tank. I'm told it is much quieter than the mag's. But don't know first hand yet.


Another mag 24 user here
I have it external and it is louder than it should be.
Sounds like a small server room under my tank.
Not super loud, but enough to notice.
I keep thinking of replaceing it, but it's ran almost 2 years now with no problems at all.
Also, comparable pumps with same output as mag 24 seem overpriced, but maybe you get what you pay for?


I used a mag 7 on my 45 for 3 years - no problems still works. Recently upgraded to a Mag 18 on my 55 - great amount of flow.. no hurricanes. The only problem I had with my mag 7 was when I let it go dry, and it damaged itself - but it still works - amazing pumps!