Mag Pump Hazard


Active Member
I was working in my sump yesterday and noticed a tingling sensation. Come to find out it was coming from my mag 12. Best guess is that it's some stray electricity. Not enought current to pop anything, just enough to notice. Funny thing is I could feel it in the sump but nothing in the main tank. I only had the pump for a month so I'm having another sent.
Anyone else have something like this happen?


Even the best equipment can fail prematurely, mag is a good pump and my experience with them is great also they replaced a 4 month old pump for me no questions asked


Active Member
The people I bought the pump from are replacing it as well. Just can't get it done until Wednesday. Makes me nervous but I don't have a plan B. Local stores don't even stock a 12. They stop at 5's. Just plan to stay out of the sump until Wednesday.
If the lights go out in central Alabama, the frog got fried:eek:


Active Member
LOL :)
How quiet is that pump? I am debating on getting a mag 7 for my return.
Stay out of the water!!!!


Active Member
I can't hear the pump at all. Using a mag 7 for my skimmer. Can't hear it either.
I'm not bashing the mags. Great pumps. Just sharing a bad experience to let you know it can happen. Probably a bad seal. S*&$ happens you know.


Did you isolate that as being the stray voltage? You should have a grounding probe anyway. I had this problem once too, only to find out it was my grounding probe that wasn't grounded right, not the pump or heaters.
I have two Mag 7's, a Mag 9.5 & 12 and I have never had a single problem as they are tough, durable pumps. I personally won't use anything else. I have accidentally had the 7 run dry for hours. I came home and find the topoff empty and pulled the 7 out, opened it up to find no damage. These things are damn near indestructible. If you do happen to drop one and break the housing (i did it), you can buy a new one for about $8. How many offer that?


Active Member
Good thought on the grounding probe. I don't have one, primarily because of the consensus of this board. If I recall right there have been many threads and the general thought was........waste of money. I hope I didn't remember wrong. The way I trouble shot this was unplugging items until the problem went away. Don't know if that was the best way either but it made sense to me.
I get the new one tomorrow. If the problem persists then I'll have to rethink the whole thing.


New Member
I had the same problem with my Mag 12, but I still have it and I'm using a ground probe which seems to be taking care of it. I have 2-Mag12's ,and 2-Mag18's and they are all working fine. I haven't replaced the pump just put in a grounding probe! Mag's are the shizznit...:p