Magfloat Scratching My tank


I have a glass aquarium, and I decided to buy a magflaot aquarium cleaner so that I wouldn't have to stick my hands in the tank every week.....well, the magfloat is leaving scratches all over the place....I have the felt side on the outside, and the velcro like side cleaning the indside.....Is that right? If not, I am gonna get rid of this thing before it really ruins my glass...Are there any products anyone would recommend that wouldn't scratch my glass and do a good job getting algae off? Thanks alot


i have been using the mag floats since they came out and have not had your pleblem. is there sand or other particles in the velcro part? i noticed that sometimes small particles get lodged in there and there are 2 nice scratches from when i did not catch that.

nm reef

Active Member
I use both of mine(one on a acrylic the other on glass) and I've never had a problem with scratches. Make sure that you keep sand and stuff out and keep the surface clean....I just make sure to never let mine get close to the sand. Sorry to hear about your scratches....:(
I also left a few scratches around the tank with my mag float before I realized that I was getting too close to the sand and that one or two were getting stuck and moving around the tank walls. I would suggest that you clean the upper area(s) with the mag float and buy another longer glass scraper or cleaner for the area around the sand. It means you will still need to stick your hand vs arm into the water!
Good Luck!


ahh....Yes you guys were right....I never even thought of sand getting stuck in there and messing things up....That was the problem...Thanks alot :)