magnesium question


ok any reasons for magnesium to be low in a very lightly coral stocked tank (very lightly)
mag is at 1125
i do weekly water changes and i figured that would be enough to keep it at normal but it seems kinda low. I cant test my water change water right now but im assuming it has to do with the brand of salt and is just always low (plan on either getting a test kit or having LFS test for me again)
anyone else have this issue using red sea salt. and i know there are a thousand threads on this but whats the best (to keep levels normal) salt out there.


1125 sounds reasonable to me. What is your calcium? Bob fenner recomends Mag is 3x your calcium level, so if your calcium is around 400 your in pretty good shape.
I use Tropic Marin now after using Red Sea and Reef Crystals.