main attraction?? ideas


New Member
I am looking for ideas for a main fish for a 40h. Looking for beauty as well as personality. Ideas welcome,, still researching many fish.


what about fairy wrasses!!! my favorite fish, very active as well. and ,many of them are preety enough they steal the show from large angels even!


i agree with all 3 of these posts, if you want color go with a fairy wrasse or dwarf angel, dwarf lions have really cool personalities once they know you and are cool to llook at.


NOT mandarin green, he doesn't have a suitable tank for them they need around 100-200 pounds of live rock and that would take up pretty much his whole tank


I have 2 mandarins to this day and they been liven off 60 lbs of LR plus they also like feeding off frozen food. Mind you i didnt target feed them, they just started to feed off it two weeks after I put them in. So I was extremly greatful and happy. People were tellen me NO and i still went and got them.


New Member
I agree on the mandarin and actually I have had one in there for over a month, I have upwards of 50 pounds of lr and also 20 pd ls. my tank is very healthy so far. I was worried about the food supply till I introdeced the live sand, I now have lots of copods for him to eat. I can see them at night with the flashlight. I also have a small scooter blenny that also feeds on them. So far so good they are both looking and acting healthy and happy, always eating. plus I add small 1 pound peices of lr every couple weeks. still have plenty room to work with. i guess the wrass may be cool I may go for the small fish look. But would love a main peice. about the lion,, would it mess with the bottom dwellers? Also seen a cool spotted jawfish I am thinking about.


have fun trying to get a blue spotted jawfish, that is my absolute fav. fish, but i can't find them anywhere. i've looked on every website i know of for the past 2 years. i've heard from a couple ppl that they are colected from mexico and it is now illeagal to collect them. i don't know this for sure though. by all means try to find one, and if ya find 2 , please send me a pm. i would love you forever!!!!:yes:


maybe they are doing good now, make sure you can get them onto frozen before they eat all the food off of your live rock cause once that's gone u better have them on frozen or else they will die


New Member
depending on whats already in your tank and the maturity of it, be careful of what you add. a lion fish gets large and they will eat anything that fits in thier mouth. most mandarins need a well established tank and do not take to frozen food so easy. do some reserch on compatability and choose a specimen that will get along with what you have and who is hardy enough to last for more than a few months. if you have a sand bed be careful of how many fish you add to a 40 gallon. alot of fish can put a huge bioload on your bed and cause it to leach unwanted things back into your water defeating its purpose.


Active Member
Spotted jaws are rare but a couple of yellow heads will be fun in a tall tank. They like to swim up and down.


New Member
I know of a site that has spotted jaws. e-mail me at dannyleaver@yahoo for details. they start around 65 bucks.