Maintaining specific gravity


My current specific gravity is 0.0195. I realize this is low. How much salt should I add to a 30 gallon aquarium to bring it back up and how should i introduce it?
Thanks for the help!


Active Member
You need to do you makeup water ( salt water ) out of the tank... meaning in a seperate container.
That is very very low, your fish won't last long in there. Make up 10 gallons of 2.00 salinity water and then do a water change. As you are adding the new high salinity water check the tank water and add it slowly! When you get the salinity up to 1.023 in the tank finish the water change with fresh Ro ( no salt added ).
Are you sure you are reading you hydrometer right? Just to clarify one point - Don't add salt directly to the tank!!!


Active Member

Originally posted by rblovell
My current specific gravity is 0.0195

Are you sure this reading is correct? What do you use to measure your sg?


Active Member

My current specific gravity is 0.0195
Cannot be this level. Do you mean 1