Maintenance creatures

ernie p

New Member
General question...
What should I have in my 110 gallon tank to make sure it stays healthy.
One web site recommended the following:
25 Scarlet Hermit Crabs
45 Mexican Turbo Snails or Margarita Snails
65 Dwarf Red Tip Hermit or Dwarf Zebra Hawaiian Hermit
That sounds like A LOT of creatures...!!!
Sounds okay ... Look at the reef packages they have here. WIth the one you are looking at, I would get some star's , and some more snails in addition to what they said.


the overall numbers sound right but I would lose the dwarf hermits and add some other types of snails for diversity. Once the tank is well established you can think about starfish or some thing more exotic than snails and hermits. Other snail types to think about are: