Majestic Angel Problem!


My water conditions are very good, my tank is up for about 6 months. I have a 120 gallon thank with a Hippo Tang, Salfin Tang, 2 clowns and sixline wrasse. I just purchased a Majestic Angel yesterday, I have been watching this fish for a few weeks in the pet store, the fish was swimming and eating really well in this small tank at the pet store. I put him last night and he hasn't moved from the live rock. He came out tonight for a little bit and than he freaked out when I walked near the tank and started darting all over the tank and know he's back behind the rock. Should I be worried? He is a awesome looking fish and I don't want to lose him. People with expereince with this fish can you tell me how long it takes for The Majestic to start swiming out in the open. Thanks!!


Active Member
Typical behavior for most fish. I just put my fuzzy dwarf in the tank, and he is scared, which he should be. The fish is just scared, and getting used to his new environment. Just imagine wat it would be like, yourself, to get taken from yer house, go to some place for a while, then get moved to a whole new tank. You are probably very scary looking to him. If he acts like this for 3 days straight and doesnt eat, then get worried.


Mikeyfish I have the same situation going on. My Majestic is in the tank for 6 days now and still pretty spooked. He does come out a few times a day and pokes around but like yours is pretty skittish especially when he sees someone in front of the tank. He is slowly starting to pick at food and remarkably every night all the nori dissappears. I dont see him active at night but I think there is something going on there. What foods are you giving yours .So far all I have is Ocean Nutrition frozen cubes but my LFS has another Angel formula that Im gonna try. I have aquascaped 3 times since I got him just to try to get him comfortable yet not totally hidden. I think we have our hands full with this fish but the rewards are great once they get comfortable and more active. jwtrojan44 thanks for some great info. Do you have some more that you can share on this fish. I think Im gonna get a book on the species. Great fish but not something that you can just dump in a tank and forget about. Peter


All Angels are shy at first. Give it time. I've had an Asfur in my tank now for weeks and it still goes behind rocks when people approach.


my majestic gets seaweed select, formula 2 flake, and a frozen food mix of mysis, blood worms, and cyclopeeze soaked in zoe.


Thanks for all the responses. My majestic is actually coming out in the open more, but still darts when I approach the tank. He is not eating though mostly because he is behind the rocks when I approach the tank to feed. I have a small Hippo Tang who is very active and a small Salfin Tang also. The Angel is the biggest fish in the tank and shoud be the most dominate as time goes on.
Peter, nice Majestic by the way! I see you live in Staten Island, I lived there all my life until last year when I moved to PA. Well talk to everyone soon.