majestic angelfish

so i was in sacramento last week and this aquarium store once again had a majestic angelfish that i just cant seem to keep my eyes off of. I keep reading that you either get lucky with these fish in a reef and they leave your sps alone or they mow them down like a kid in a candy store. My tank is predomitly GSP,zoos, leathers, and anmeones with a few sps and im not really wanting to convert over to a full sps tank. I would love to take my chances at this, but the 180 dollar price tag is a big pill to swallow if the fish doesnt work out. what are your thoughts, experiences, and would any of you reefers out there put one of the beautys in your tanks. I have been wanting one for some time now and supprisingly the impluse purchase hasnt overtaken me.


Active Member
they are pretty nice... im a risk taker. i would give it a shot. if it dosent work u can turn it in for credit...
Originally Posted by Mr.clownfish
they are pretty nice... im a risk taker. i would give it a shot. if it dosent work u can turn it in for credit...
thats very true, the store does take back fish where i would be purchasing it but its only 40%. I just cant decide if i want to throw the dice or not.
hmmm. thats not too bad, i guess i can just take my chances and start coverting over to more sps. Would this fish mess with some xenias, i just got a great looking piece that is a really nice frost blue
i was just thinking also, if you kept this fish well fed, would it still graze the tank looking for food or is this just one of those things where you have one or the other


Active Member
Yea, the Xenia would be fair game, and probably nipped to death. Though if you were to gear the tank more towards SPS, that might be a blessing in disguise.
I guess you could say it's just one of those things. You could keep the angel fat and happy, and he'll still pick. Most reef fish eat constantly. You'll pollute the tank from overfeeding, but you could keep the angel full 24/7.