make brown algae green

30 hex

how do i do it or does it happen by itself.
Set-up is 30 gal 30 lb live rock. 20 lb live sand 3 weeks old. nothing in dual mini might & 15 inch high output flo. bulb on 7 am to 7 pm. :rolleyes: :confused: :p :) ;)


Staff member
The "brown algae" is actually diatoms. This is a common feature in a tank that is cycling. Yes, the more desirable green algae will replace the brown as your tank ages.
Phosphates and silcia are food sources for diatoms, which is why you see them in new tank setups. [A lot of silica in new substrate]. As the diatoms eat this, the bloom will diminish. Check your water source to make sure that it is not high in phosphates.


Active Member
That lighting is too weak to support photosynthetic life(corals) and may not be enough for green algae either.

30 hex

thanks guys,
i am not planing on keeping corals yet,just l.r.,a big cleanup crew and about 3 small fish (psudochromis size). I love watching the shrimp and crabs most of all. Any suggestions on how to optimize on doing this?
I do want green algae so how much light do i add for that?

marine qa

I say you will have green algae in another few weeks. This is only an unfounded guess though.
How many total watts do you have? I'm not familiar with mini mites.
I have blue & full spectrum flos totaling only 1.5 watt/g and I have a good supply of green algae and cool LR colors. However I may upgrade to 4 watt/g to get anenome.


Active Member
I've been waiting patiently for green algae as well. I am planning on adding new light and maybe seed my tank with some algae from the LPS