Make them stop.. P L E A S E! ! ! ! ! ! !


Active Member
My anemone split again. I swear i've only had that thing for maybe 4 months now and this is #4. Its like every time I wake up another anemone is in my small-46-gallon-all-corals-getting-stung-to-death-cause-of-the-stinkin-mass-reproducing-anemone-from-hell.
I'd say this is very good news for the environment though.. these things split so quickly that we should not need to capture wild species.


I'd say get rid of it-they're just a pain and all it is gonna do is KEEP ON splitting until you have 50 little itty bitty anemones all over!! Why dont u just get rid of them and get a long tentacle plate coral??


Active Member
I'm guessing you feed the anemone a lot? If so, I'd suggest you go easier on that and the splitting will surely slow down.

new fishy

New Member
I have 2 bubble anemones and I'd be thrilled if they'd spilt.
Should I feed them more will that encourage them to do so???


Active Member
Originally Posted by new fishy
I have 2 bubble anemones and I'd be thrilled if they'd spilt.
Should I feed them more will that encourage them to do so???
Feeding 2-4 times weekly would help, but you also need sufficient lighiting.


Active Member
Originally Posted by DevilDog01
Why dont u just get rid of them and get a long tentacle plate coral??
Long tentacle plates die.
Congrats on the split....careful if you decide to remove them.I used to have a gorgeous rose bubble tip.It split shortly after we added it to the tank.Then it split again so that there were three.So I began to take the third one out and sell it or trade it.Don't ask me how,but somehow the anemones figured out that I was removing the third one every time they split.The other two went into hiding...for a really long time!! Weird how a red blob without eyes or a brain would know,but somehow they did !
Just recently,they have come back out...and I am just leaving them alone,except for occasional feeding.
Here they are in their splendor...



No, fellow family members who have tanks have had a LOT of success with them. One of them even has a long tentacle plate coral in his tank that he's had for countless years!!


Active Member
I have always wanted one,but have avoided them as generally they do not do well long term.Can you give some more info as to how this person is caring for it,what lighting,etc?


Originally Posted by promisetbg
I have always wanted one,but have avoided them as generally they do not do well long term.Can you give some more info as to how this person is caring for it,what lighting,etc?
Well, my brother in law(the big cheese who got me started) has a 90 and a 300 gallon. This plate is in his 300 is huge!! It is probably the size of a dinner plate! And I am NOT exaggerating!! I know he has halides but I am not sure how many or of what kind or wattage. I DO know that he target feeds brine shrimp to it, and gives the whole tank different kinds of micro planktons throughout the week. He uses Reef Crystals salt and keeps it on the bottom(on the sand) where there is moderate water flow. He doesnt add any chemicals. Hope this helps!! Let me know if there is anything else you need to know-I will try to find out how many and of what kinds of halides he has.


Active Member
hijack all you want.
I feed it roughly every 4 days to once a week. It depends on if I remember to feed it or not :p
The lighting its under is 2 96 watt pc's. They all like to stay about midway in the tank... except for the new one that split that is clinging onto my skimmer box.
I feed them frozen shrimp and silversides and to be honest its mostly been just silversides because I cant figure out where I placed the frozen shrimp at in my freezer.
I think i'll wait until all the little ones form new mouths and take them in to trade and maybe I can trade for a RBTA. I must say that IMO I have the most beautiful BTA's I have ever seen. None that i've yet to see compair to the color and size thickness of tentacles that mine has. Pictures never do mine justice at all.


What are the little things growing on the rocks, right above the yellow thing? I had some growing on my rock a while back, but my trigger ate them I think, cause I don't see any more.