Making a custom sump


New Member
Hey guys, I was looking into adding a sump into my 29 gallon and would like to fabricate one out of a 20 gall rubbermaid.
ive used the search button and nothing of relevance came up can some1 give me a list of supplies and a good idea on how to go about making it


In my experience of using a rubbermaid tub it is impossible to have baffles in the long run. I ended up just building an acrylic sump/fuge


I made one for my old 55. If you take a small plastic garbage can and cut it down and put it inside of the rubbermade container you can use it as a return pump section (without baffles). It works great, you just have to secure it to the bottom of the container its in. I would also use a ridged plastic container (you can't cut these, they shatter) as the outer one for the rubbermade. Walmart has everything you need to make one.
