making a nemo nano


Ok unlike all the stories of movie theaters putting 50 or so clowns in a 55g I am going to do this right.
I work at a video store and my boss asked me to put a tank in the shop (a small one 29g) for when Finding Nemo comes out on video (this fall) and when they are done with it I get to have it for doing all the work (now that’s nice of her). So other than 2 percs small (juvi), some LR what ells should I put in it.
The tank will be an eclipse 29g (come with everything I need except a protein filter) with LS, LR, I forgot what kind of lighting. And I got a deal at my lfs on the take and a protein filter that will work with the tank.
So bake to the question what should I put in (crabs, snail, shrimp, and other fish)?


Well, considering once everything's done you got to have it, I wouldn't put that much in there. The move will be too much. I say you cycle it completely first. Remember that takes awhile. Get enough LR but not that much so the clowns have some swimming room in your tank. Live sand will definitely make it look nice, too. As far as shrimp, crabs and snails, I wouldn't put any of them except probably a cleaner shrimp. Crabs and snails need food aka algae to eat. In a newly setup aquarium, I don't think there will be too much of those. So keep it simple. 2 mated/ paired clown preferably (you don't want to deal with pairing them, besides all expense paid, right? :D ). Probably 30 lbs LR, look for ones that have higher density so the swimming place will be there, a couple of inches of LS, and a cleaner shrimp.
If you want to make it look like the movie, you can put a royal gramma in there. Just not a hippo tang :D.

sinner's girl

once you add fish, there will be leftover food for inverts to eat, plus you can always feed the inverts. but the move may stress them. I'd still get a few hermits.
How long will the tank be setup at the store before you move it?
it's coming to video this fall? it just came out! yippie! do you know when?


i am sorry not fall but November so i realy do not know when to start it i was thinking of September (is the to soon or to late?) then should it will be ready for the fish well in time. it will be up for 3 weeks after the movie come out.
i have to go small to fit it on the conter (witch is to high for kids to tap on the glass)
as for dory (blue tang) i could put one in for some time (till she's to big for the tank) then move her to my 95g where the fish will be much happier.
and my lfs just got in some Royal Grammas i might want that but i got to think about it. they also got in some small stars (forgot what kind) i remember seeing one in movie (he was form ----) so i am also thinking of adding one of them.
as for my crabs and shrimp,
1 cleaner and 4 scerlet hermit
well i think that's all for now.


Active Member
I still wouldn't add the tang even if it was small. It still needs it's swimming room. Also a starfish would'nt be a good idea unless maybe like a brittle. But they are nocturnal and you wouldnt see it very often.


Active Member
Also I do like the idea of the two clowns, royal gramma, cleaner shrimp, and the hermits. That sounds like the best plan to me.


Active Member
Even if u do decide to get the "Dori" please remember that whatever u put in that tank... even if it's temporary... is advertising the fact that it's okay to have. Almost like that good morning america show where they put her in there. Yes i know, bigger tank... but u r still showing that it's okay to have her in there.
I would also like to recommend one small thing: why not make a little page for each fish you put in that tank so that if u DO decide (don't think it's a good idea) to put the hippo tang in there... at least there's a sheet saying: HIPPO TANG.... FROM: Inodnesia.... WHAT THEY EAT: Peppermint squid.... WHO"S THERE BEST FRIEND: LOCARAT Eels... TANK SIZE NEEDED: Minimum 95.... (completely hippothetical if u didn't catch on to it)....
Think abou it...
put a yellow tail damsel in there, people mistake it for dory all the time, trust me...........I get to hear it everyday


Active Member
Haha... r we talking a little damsel or a big one?
Man, i was dying the other day... this family came in to a petstore in ridgefield and like everyfish they saw they were like: loook, there's nemo... there's dori... etc... it was hillarious. This petstore carried only yellow tangs, a damsel way too high for their view, inverts and this ugly skunk clownfish... i dunno, i thought it was funny...


Active Member
Please skip the seastar. If it is a small seastar, and red, then it is a Fromia, and is really not a good choice at all (if it even survives acclimation). But none of those stars belong in a small tank, and certainly not one less than 6 months old. Fromia sp stars commonly die of starvation in 9-12 months, regardless of their small size, and can not be spot fed. A brittlestar or serpentstar might be a better choice, though again, the tank will be quite young...too young, IMO.