making a sump


I currently have a amiracle slime line 150 wet dry on my 75 now .i have a all glass 75 gal with a built in overflow. i want to make a sump because i dont have room for my protein skimmer and mag drvie5 pump to fit in the sump. also can i use my prefilter from the wet dry i already have.Also my protein skimmer is the turbofloater 1000 multi.


It is the turbofloater 1000 multi i just didnt leave enough room behind my tank to use it has a hang on. How would i drill my sump and mount the pump on the outside for the skimmer ?


Why not just buy a 20 gallon tank for a sump? That's what my Turbo 1000 and pump are in...actually mine is a 15, but I only have a 55 gallon tank.