making food


i am trying to make that garlic food with the brine shrimp for my hippo tang but i have to idea how to do it. Can anyone help? just got my hippo and he is VERY thin.


Originally Posted by renogaw
look here for creating your food:
brine shrimp = no good for food, especially a hippo.
you need to feed it a great mixture of algae, algae sheets, sea vegies, even some normal vegetables, they are herbivores, not meat eaters.
i put seaweed strips in the tank on a clip. but neither tang has gone remotely close to it. anything i cna do to entice them to go near it? also what can i do with the garlic? how is boch choy??


Active Member
take some fresh garlic, cut it, and rub the juices onto the sheet. you want to have dried, not baked algae sheets. the tang may be either shy or not used to the clip, try putting it under a piece of rock or something to try to entice it into thinking it is a natural piece of algae floating in the current.


Originally Posted by renogaw
take some fresh garlic, cut it, and rub the juices onto the sheet. you want to have dried, not baked algae sheets. the tang may be either shy or not used to the clip, try putting it under a piece of rock or something to try to entice it into thinking it is a natural piece of algae floating in the current.

ok thanks alot i just added so frozen brine and he was all ove it loving it and also the powder brown was all over it as well. i just dipped it in the garlic oil first. fresh choped garlic. hows boch choy ??


just got home from work and still none of my fish are eating the seaweed strips... think it might be the clip??? what should i do to get them to eat this and also besides romaine lettuce what else can i give them.... im a big boch choy fan for myself can i give them that or no?? any help would be great.