Making money through the hobby


Don't get me wrong I am not trying to make money off a fish tank but are there ways that people make good money using their fish tank. Such as buying base rock and then selling it once it is live, breeding, live sand. Does anyone know of anything out there that might be a good idea to do. I figure if I could liven up some rock then there is some extra money for my tank. Anyone?


Yes you could convert base rock into LR and sell it and/or breed and sell if you can find buyers. If your skilled in carpentry you could make custom hoods and/or stands and sell them also.


New Member
I have had good success trading and selling coral frags. Mostly xenia and different mushroom rocks. These grow quickly and spread to new rocks all by themselves(no cutting). I belong to a saltwater club in ohio thats where i do my trading. All in all not a profitable business due to the cost of the lights and chemicals, but it does help cover some of the costs.