You know, your right. My site doesn't really say or show squat about filtration or maintenance. I must fix!
First off, I cant even imagine what this tank would cost to set up/maintain/light/stock, as a reef!! Lets just say it will never happen.
I have a 60 gal for that
Filtration on this 1700 consists of the following:
200 gal sump, running bio media, activated carbon, and lots of mechanical filtration.
6' skimmer, on its own pump. Its a venturi design, and I modified it with a mazzai (spelling) venturi injector. LOTS of tiny bubbles.
2- Large fluidized bed filters.
2- 3'tall 40w UV sterilizers.
A large canister filter.
Approx. 4" sand bed.
LS and LR
2- 5000gph pumps. One on a closed loop, and one open.
Kent marine RO/DI unit.
I do not use any form of heater/chiller on this tank. I rely on my house to take care of it. Since the tank is in the basement, and directly on a concrete floor, it stays cool in the summer with the help of AC. Winter time, same thing. A tank this size holds its temp really well. Since I started it up, it has been at a steady 74-75 degrees.
Topoff, around 10 gallons per day.
Water changes. Notta. I monitor my parameters faithfully. PH 8.3, AM 0, Trites 0, Trates 10ppm (and climbing). Obviously the trates will continue to climb over time. For that reason, I have already begun building a large coil denitrator. I know people have had mixed results with these, but after reading PR Escobals book, Aquatic Systems Engineering, I believe its worth a shot. I will use PH buffer as it begins to drop as well. If I have any problems, I will do water changes, but only if necessary.
Routine maintenance is cake. I clean my collection cup on the skimmer weekly. Top off every two days (I have a dedicated resevoir/pump/line to the sump for this) but plan to automate top off soon. I rotate my mechanical filtration pads weekly, dirty out/clean in. So far, algae has not been a problem. The tank get no natural light, and is lit 7 hours per day by 4-6 4' fluorescent bulbs. I've only cleaned the glass once, right before I got the black tip. I'll be doing it again soon, once I get the courage to get in with him. Honestly though, Im more concerned about the shark freaking out when I get in, and injuring himself.