making saltwater...


New Member
What is the best way to mix pre mixed easier?
If any one can give me a general..that would be great!


Active Member
I fill a 45g rubbermaid with RO/DI from my filter and run a Powerhead pump in it for circulation and airiation and then add my salt mix in going buy the directions on the bucket , and after a couple of hours I test the SG and adjust to 1.025 and after 24 hours I test pH and temp and SG agin and then if alls good then I do the change. Syphon old water out and pump new water in.


Active Member
Yep, that's how I do it as well. 40 gallon trash can, 250watt heater, 2 powerheads (one for top, one for bottom), and patience. I let my water sit for 48 hours to allow enough time for it to dissolve and for me to adjust all the levels to what they need to be.


Active Member
Concur with these guys. IMO pre-mixed is a waste of money. A good RO/DI unit will pay you back in many ways.


Ditto. I start mixing at night(32 gal rubbermaid trash can, a powerhead, and heater), test levels the next day, if they are good, in it goes.
I just got an RO/DI filter. I can't believe I carted water around in jugs for so many years. worth every penny, IMO.