Making sure this fish list is ok.


125g has rocks and sand and water in but nothing else. Excelant flow with along with wave maker. 5" deep sand bed and around 150lbs of base rock and 45-50 lbs of live rock. Ok here it is.
Blue hippo tang(1)
Flame Angel(1)
Coral Beauty(1) i know this isn't encouraged but i ahve seen sooooooo many success stories amking it almost 2:1. 1 being peopel saying you shouldn't
Shrimp goby (2 with 2 pistols)
purple firefish(3)
Lawnmower blenny(1)
Blonde Naso(1)
Perculas (pair)
ok i think that is all.
Also note that i will get them at the same size and add them at the same time.


Active Member
I'm not sure how well the three Tangs will do either.
As for the Angels, understand you will always see a lot of "success" stoies. That's due to several things: 1. People tend to fabricate success on the internet, 2. People don't tend to post failures on the forums, especially when they've been told not to try something 3. Experienced hobbyists often research more and therefore won't try it.
The best author's of the day, as well as this site, tell you not to mix Angels. Why would you not take their advice, in addition to the experienced posters?


Ok just the flame angel then, no biggy. And i see what your saying about the failure stories. BTW i checked out the genus's of each tang and therre differnt so it should be fine. here they are
Blonde Naso/ Naso: Naso lituratus
Blue Hippo Tang: Paracanthurus hepatus
Yellow Tang: Zebrasoma flavescens

and body shapes are differnt. So this is ok?


Active Member
My guess is the Blonde and Blue will go at it.
Also, though, consider bio-load. Those three tangs could grow to be a total of over 35 inches.
In a 125 I'd drop the Blonde. It's max size is listed at 18 inches.


ok is it ok without blonde?
Also just for your guys's sanity. I have been researching for over 3+years 8months of that was on this forum (mostly as guest). I simply thoguht of the naso at the last second. So it's not like i am goign to fast/wrong way. Ok anyways is this good without coral beauty and naso?


Active Member
Ya, I think that would be good. Add slowly though, you can't add all these at once. You'll get a feel of where your tank is at and what it can handle.


also once i get a like 20g refugium completely dedicated to pods (along with my wet/dry) up in running i want to get a mandarin. Is this ok?


Tangs will be fine as will the flame and coral beauty. I have them in my 210 at least and see more squabbles between yellow watchman goby and diamond watchman goby. The only problem I have is the coral beauty picks at everything indescrimanantly.


Active Member
Originally Posted by DeJaCo
Tangs will be fine as will the flame and coral beauty.....
I'm sorry but you can't say that based on what occurs in your aquarium. We deal in averages here. On average, that would not work.
furthermore, your tank is almost twice as big...


ok thanks ALOT you were very helpful in my months of posting (since december) and i understand that oi will not be putting in any corals/anenomes(although not quite what you were saying) and a mandarin for like a year even after the small fuge gets started.


Originally Posted by DeJaCo
Tangs will be fine as will the flame and coral beauty. I have them in my 210 at least...
besides he said his tank is 125g and yours is 85g larger, at least..


Active Member
Originally Posted by Beatlesfan
ok thanks ALOT you were very helpful in my months of posting (since december) and i understand that oi will not be putting in any corals/anenomes(although not quite what you were saying) and a mandarin for like a year even after the small fuge gets started.
You're well on the way to having a great tank my friend!


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
I'm sorry but you can't say that based on what occurs in your aquarium.
It also accures in mine and ill say it if I want too.