Making your own LR ?!?


New Member
Anyone ever try?
I have an extra 10 gal tank sitting around gathering dust and I am a very patient person.
Get some live sand toss in some rock and water change it every month for 6 months?!? I'm guessing here.


Ya I made my own and have it in my 10 gal now. I just had it in buckets to sit to clean out the rock and let the water absorb the crap for a couple weeks. Saves a ton of $$!


what kind of rocks can you throw in there?Just any ol' porous rocks from your local garden/landscaping supply store?


No rocks from your yard. You can get dead base rock from online. I got some for my old 55 that was just dead rock that was sold for fish tanks. Or you can make your own from a specific cement and oyster shells. Do some searches there are old post and other places that explain it. You will need to buy some LR to seed the LR you make though.


New Member
If you are using rock that you have used peviously in a freshwater system, make sure that you have not treated with a copper based med at any time with it. Lace rock can be found at almost all LFS or even at the landscape supply. You just will have to sift through it for a while. Your LFS will have the premium pieces at about a buck a pound. I set my tank up with 90 pounds of live rock and 80 pounds of lace base rock.