male/female clowns


New Member
how do you knwo the difference between clowns? i heard they change sexes...but how will you know if you have a male or female? for them to breed do they have to be in a tank w/ just 2 clowns? or can other fish be in the tank also?


they will have stages where they will fight for dominance.
the winner of this battle, that can last for a very long time (months to years) will change from male to female... But can never change back. The female will pick a home in the tank and "allow" her mate to come into the 6" perimeter. Anyone else will get challenged. I have a pair of black perculas that are pretty much done with their fighting phase, now its up to "her" to pick the home.


If "she" is about 3" or so she has probably changed ---. I have a pair of GSM clowns and the male is about 1.5 inches and the female is about 3 times his size/weight.


Active Member
Originally Posted by dolphin124
for them to breed do they have to be in a tank w/ just 2 clowns? or can other fish be in the tank also?

If conditions are right they will spawn regardless of the other fish in the tank.