Male/Female false percs


Active Member
Originally Posted by jcazz10
How can you tell the difference between male and female "NEMOS?????
The female is the larger. They actually choose their ---. If you have a pair one will remain small. Its pretty cool.


We have 2...and today...the larger one became a little aggressive, and really protecting 1 corner of the tank....never had this problem until today...larger one keeps "bumping"into the side of the smaller one...any ideas???


Active Member
Originally Posted by jcazz10
We have 2...and today...the larger one became a little aggressive, and really protecting 1 corner of the tank....never had this problem until today...larger one keeps "bumping"into the side of the smaller one...any ideas???
Mine do the same thing. No need to worry unless it gets to the point where the male is showing signs of stress. She is just letting him know whos boss i guess.


Depending on how long you've had them.. They are probably establishing dominence.. The larger more dominant one will then become female


I've had two false percs in my tank for about a month now and initially, they were fine. The female became evident quickly and I thought that she was just going to be a bit dominant. After I introduced a carpet anemone, she became a total Beyatch and has the male cowering in a small cave(if he tries to move out of the cave, she chases him back in).
I removed the anemone after it killed my purple tang and a blenny and then I introduced a hairy mushroom as a replacement. The female quickly adapted to the mushroom but she still keeps the male cornered in his little cave. This has gone on for a couple of weeks and I'm concerned about the poor guys nerves. He really seems to be stressing and rightfully so.
My next step is to introduce some frogspawn this weekend by his cave and I've already relocated the hairy mushroom to the other side of the tank so she won't be as likely to notice him enjoying life.
Why can't we all just get along? :) I'm really hoping that she gets over her extended PMS cycle and allows the male to move about freely. If not, I'm going to have to pull one of them out. My dilema if it comes to that is...the male is mentally unstable right now and has never bonded to a mushroom/anemone/frogspawn. The female got right into the swing of hosting to both the anemone and mushroom but her attitude makes me want to pop her on the head and introduce her to a bigger/more aggresive fish. :mad:
Anyone else have clowns that really struggled and finally kissed and made up? How would you handle this one?


Personally I had a very similar problem.. I had a single clown for about 2 weeks in my setup.. She chose green mushrooms as a host, I then added a smaller clown to get them to pair up.. and she beat the poor guy up bad.. he had torn up fins.. the works.. He was breathing heavily and very stressed.. I figured ehh I'll let nature take its course.. because my first instincts told me to remove the mean clown but I thought well shes hosting.. maybe I'll take out the beat up male.. but then I said you know what.. I'll see what happens.. and she ended up kinda leaving him alone.. just chasing him around not litterally tearing him up.. and they eventually then paired up.. and he started hosting the green shrooms as well.. so now they are happy together.. so anyway my advice is to leave the two be and late nature take its course..