Male&Female Firegobies


Active Member
Tried to find a pic online. Is there a way to ID the difference between male and female...fins? colors?? :thinking:


Active Member
lol, this is the 3rd post about firefish on here right now, must be a growing interest. I was wondering the same thing and was told there isn't a sure way that anyone knows to identify them so if you get the purple firefish just get one and if you get the red kind it doesn't matter so get 2 or 3.


I think that most people on here say that the sexes are indistinguishable. The only real way to tell if 2 are a pair is if they huddle really close together.
I am looking for a pair of (red) firefish, but I cannot find a pair. Most lfs around here have a policy of keeping them separate (1 per tank) so that they won't fight. Marine Fishes by Scott Michael says to keep singly unless a pair is obtained OR they can be kept in groups if the tank is large enough (how large is large enough
Hope this helps.


Active Member
All the LFS's around here put the yellow/red firefish together. The purples go one to a tank.
Good luck determining gender
Just go for the ones that seem 'friendly' in the tank.


New Member
My lfs gavve me two for in my 33gal, they dont fight, but they do stay near to eachother....i'd say that they're more scared of the other fish, and hide from them, then fighting with eachother.


Those are cool looking little guys Dogstar. Looks like they hang pretty close to each other. My two little guys do the same! They sure are fast little suckers!


FOLLOW up question....
will a firefish and purple fire. pair up, or will they certainly bicker? lfs says they'll do okay together; i didn't think that that was the case...


k thanks...wish i could just, ya know, have a sit down talk with them first, help them work out their differences. In fact, I should get a little Aquarium-version of "Sally" or something, to aid in common compatibility.


Originally Posted by Bugapash
k thanks...wish i could just, ya know, have a sit down talk with them first, help them work out their differences. In fact, I should get a little Aquarium-version of "Sally" or something, to aid in common compatibility.
Too funny!


Active Member
:hilarious Thanks all. So far my little firegoby has made himself right at home. When my 2 percs tried to bully him into submission, he/she gave them a look that said "talk to the fin". All tank occupants have been quite chummy since then.
One thing that I did notice that has me a bit puzzled is, when the blue actinic lights turn on 7-8 am, the percs are up and at em.....the firegoby, on the other hand, doesn't get up until the MH lights turn on around 10 am. He also goes to "bed" earlier than the percs.....the MH lights are off by 7pm, the firegoby slips away about right after dinner around 8pm, the percs stay up well after the moon lights come on at 10 pm. Have any of you noticed about your fish?
I hope to add some catalina gobies, but I am hesitant due to their preferance of cooler temps. Does anyone here have any???
Rykna :happyfish


my 2 fire fish usually don't get up for at least an hour after the lights come on in the am. they are always the 1st to hit the sack as well! :happyfish


Just got a red firefish from my LFS. Was disappointed to see that they had them all separated since I wanted to buy three of them. The guy says they'll fight. :thinking: :notsure:
May end up getting a couple more after reading these posts.


Im quite keen to get 5 or so for my tank, got a 200gal reef but i also have a lion (still small and cute) if i managed to find big fish would they be ok with my lion and chromis ect? I'm keeping my lion with green chromis and they all happy and fat, but i have a crab (some unknown denizen of the deep), will the crab eat them or will they be ok?


Active Member
Not sure..but I would wager a guess that anything bigger than a gire goby wouldn't hesitate to take a snap at the little guy. :thinking: