man down man down


i woke up this mourning and my baby perc clown is lying on its side and is breathing hard. I have two and the other one and all my other fish are doing fine. I have had him about 6 days now. I wish I had a qt tank. I guess ill be setting one up today. I hate seeing him suffer. Is there anything I can do? He doesn't have any spots or anything he just has color loss. I don' t think he has been eating well since I put him in the tank. I acclimated him properly like he should have been. Any suggestions?


Staff member
What other fish do you have in the tank? Notice any agression?
Also, notice any particularly wrong with the appearance of the sick clown?


thanks for the reply but nemo is down for good. I have another clown that I bought at the same time that is doing fine. I have a small yellow tang, a yellow tail damsel and a 3 stripe damsel. All are doing fine still. Im still kinda worried about the other clown though. He is just a baby at mabe a little over an inch. He just stays in the corner. Sometimes he will kinda jerk around as if something is bothering him. Like an irratic movement. Or he will swim in a circle. He ate really good when i fed him a little bit ago. Hopefully the fish will be fine. I didnt notice any spots on the one that died or on any of the fish. Thanks


Staff member
If you want a pair, now is the time to do it.
Wait a week to see if anything develops on any of the other fish.