Man I love triggers


I love the looks of a trigger, problem is I don't want a full blown aggressive set up. What trigger can I have in a few community fish. Or what fish can I have with a Trigger. I have a flame angel, diamond gobbie, 3 stripe, and a yellow tang ina 75 fowlr.
Can I have my cake and eat it to? Or is this just a wish?


Active Member
How big is everything? You could probably get away with a small pinktail, bluejaw, or similar species. Do you plan on upgrading? Bo


With a tang in your 75g already I wouldn't reccomend getting a trigger. Both of those fish like big tanks. If you were going to get one though and you want a nice one, the Niger is usually one of the friendliest. Just a suggestion but a bigger tank would be good if you really want a trigger too. Good luck. I love trigger too!:cool:


I think it's the luck of the draw. I have 5 triggers and my clown is probably the most docile. He is also that largest at apx. 4-5". My Assai (spell?) is also not aggressive. The niger and humahuma used to chase my damsels so I guess their not pacifists! <smile> (Got rid of the damsels.) The undulated is the smallest (apx. 2.5") and the jury is still out on him. <smile> He is not as antisocial as he was upon introduction and he is eating out in the open now. All are small so time will tell. Hope this helps.


That is sooo funny! <smile> I stopped feeding by hand for fear of being bitten; but, I don't think twice about sticking my hands in the tank to rearrange something! I haven't been bitten yet! Knocking on wood though! <smile>