Mandaran and Tiger Gobys (get along?)

I have a 30 gal reef tank with 2 perc clowns, 1 tiger goby, inverts and some soft corals and shrooms. I would like to add 1 more fish and that would be a spotted mandaran goby. Will it get along with what I already have? And what should I feed it?


The mandarin goby (dragonet) is a very beautiful animal...however they are known to be difficult to keep if your tank is not well-established. The reason for this is that their diet consists mainly of live copepods and amphipods...they can literally go through hundreds of these a day. People sometimes supplement feed live copepods by cultivating them in a refugium so if you can get a set up along those lines you have a better chance of keeping the fish healthy. I've read of some mandarins actually adapting to aquarium food...but from what I understand this happens very seldomly and more often than not the mandarin will just slowly starve itself in a tank deprived of their main natural food source. All that being said, good luck!


Active Member
There is a very good chance that a mandarin will starve to death in a tank as small as 30 gallons. They need live copepods to survive long term and a tank that small will not be able to produce enough of them to keep it well fed.