Mandarin, Blenny, and a goby.


Active Member
What size tank and what kind of blenny and goby? How long has the tank been set up? Mandarins eat copepods so they need an established tank{8-10 months} preferably with 100+ lbs of LR and an attached refugium. Most gobies are small and do not bother anyone. A sandsifting goby would be a bad idea. Blennies like a lawnmower or bicolor eat mostly algae and some meaty items so they would be fine.It is a misnomer in this hobby that mandarins are referred to as gobies and scooters are referred to as blennies.They are both actually in the dragonet family...not blenny or goby.
Mandarins definitely require an established tank with a healthy pod population. One thing you can do, if you have a good amount of LR in your tank, go to your LFS and ask to get or buy some "sludge" from their LR container. This stuff is the debris that falls off of LR and is usually infested with pods. I grabbed about 2 gallons of this stuff and put it behind my LR formation and within a week I saw pods all over the place and then I introduced a Mandarin and he is fine with plenty to eat. If you do, also bear in mind that if you have other fish that will eat pods, they may deplete your food supply. The sludge I used was to seed a polulation in my tank and boost the availability of food for a Mandarin.
Just a thought!!!


New Member
I have a mandarin, lawnmower blenny and watchman goby in the same tank. As far as personalities go, they all go their own ways and don't cause any problems. The mandarin flits around just being pretty, the LMB sits on his rock perch and watches all the happenings and the goby peeks out from under his rock to make sure no one is attempting to invade his space.