Mandarin compatibility


I've got a 75 gallon FOWLR, about 80 pounds worth. I have a cleaner shrimp, blue damsel, tomato clown, and Koran angel, juvenile still(been showing juv colors for 8 months now, he's about 4-5 in long)
Anyways, I would like to pick up a mandarin, but I believe they are pretty passive. I had a scott's fairy wrasse for a few months, but I think the angel stressed him and made him sick and die. I don't want the same to happen to a mandarin, any suggestions?? I already know of their eating habits, my concern is simply compatibility.
Any help??


Here is a link to a compatability chart. Hope it helps. <a href="http://www.***********.com/general/compatibility_chart.cfm" target="_blank">http://www.***********.com/general/compatibility_chart.cfm</a>


Active Member
most fish don't bother mandarins much, their flesh is toxic ot an extent, but with no real aggressive fish, i would think that thyee would be fine