Mandarin Fish


Active Member
its not enough to keep it alive directly on that setup, add a bunch of crap, and yep. also, this is considering it doesnt eat frozen.


Active Member
its not enough to keep it alive directly on that setup, add a bunch of crap, and yep. also, this is considering it doesnt eat frozen.


There is only one way to find out!!!
Unfortunately the way you find out for sure is to starve teh little critter to death!
My guess is that after a few months your fish will get really skinny...and then disappear suddenly. Horrible death to be eaten by crabs.
Don't get one...


Active Member
There are several threads going around about keeping mandrin etc with soap dishes and make shift pod breeding ideas, but long term they just don't work/ No offense to those who have made it work, but until they have kept one for 6 months or longer, i don't think its a success yet. I put a mandrin in a 75 gal with 100 lbs of LR (no fuge) And when i learned about them being pod eaters I made a pod nest out of a HOB clear filter with LR and chaeto, and i did see pods for afew months. But after 6 months my mandrin was getting thinner, but my lfs wouldn't take him back. I tried everything! Spent more money then i care to think about on bottled pods, but he died after 8 months of starvation.


Don't do it, mine died in a few months, I learned the hardway. I had lots of pods, it went through them so fast. Even after 3 months of its demise, no pods can be seen in my tank. These fish are beautiful but they do require lots of food. Pods off course. If your tank is not 100 gallons or more, then stay away. trust me.


you need a fuge to do it. if you google you cna find stuff about keeping pod cultures and what not. i woudlnt do it without a fuge a butt load of live rock (>75 lbs) and places in the tank the fish cant get to to allow pod reproduction in the main tank too.


if you are going to get one after all this here are a few things i did to prepare for my mandrin...i have the same size tank with about the same LR maybe a bit tank is about a year old with perfect levels since day 1 (knock on wood)....
heres what you do.
1) Buy the pods they eat and turn off EVERYTHING in your tank, (water pumps, filters, lights and w/e else.) Take the bottle of the pods and put it at the bottom of the tank and squirt it all out and then wait 10-15 min (to let them find a place in the rocks.
2) Let them do there thing...wait about 4-5 days before the actual purchase maybe more!
3) buy the mandrin and monitor for size and eating habits. (if you think its losing weight see if the store will take him back or try to give him to someone with a bigger set up)


Active Member
Here is my experience: I have a 70 gallon tank with a LOT of LR ( I have no idea how much but more than 75 pounds). I used to have millions of pods in my tank. HUGE ones. All different shapes and sizes. I'm talking bugs that make you stop and call the wife to say, "Hey come and look at this!" I'd see them both lights out and even during the day. I have had a spotted mandarin in the tank for about 16 months now. It is doing fine. BUT, (and this is a huge but), I no longer see ANY pods in my tank at all, day or night. None. Zero. Zip. This tells me that they eat a LOT of pods, basically she is eating the pods in my tank as fast as they reproduce as I see no adult pods anymore. (Babies either for that matter.) I assume the ones reproducing are very good at hiding. What she is eating, I have no clue, but, a 39 gallon is seriously unlikely to be able to support a mandarin IMO.


Mine reproduce in my overflows...There are TONS of them in there!!! Of course I have a 125 with 15olbs of rock AND a fuge AND a sump. My Green Mandarin is getting plenty..I think!