Mandarin Goby


i have a 55 gallon tank i really love this fish and i was wondering if he would be alright to put in my tank and are they a hard species to take care of....plz help


Depends on some conditions. Do you have a large amount of live rock and sand? Do you have a refugium?
They are very hard to feed. Sometimes you might get lucky and they will eat frozen or pellet food. There main source of food is copeopods or live brine shrimp.
I have had mine for a while and it does not any prepared food.
There is a high chance that they will starve to death without these things.
Good Luck...


You need an established tank to keep a manderin. And it has to have live rock and live sand they love copepods. You can find copepods there called ocean pods probably at your LFS. But that is pretty much the only thing they will eat. Good luck


Active Member
It depends on the fish, I was reading up last night on a guy who was doing a little experiment with one in a 10 gallon. He bought alot of pods and so far he's had it for a few months, he's trying to make it switch to other foods. I was going to try the same thing, but it sounds like it would cost alot to maintain the food supply.... My plan was to put some hidden pvc in the back and put a little breeding spot for the pods or somethign like that, It has a good chance of working, but I'm still not sure.


Originally Posted by Rutz15
i have a 55 gallon tank i really love this fish and i was wondering if he would be alright to put in my tank and are they a hard species to take care of....plz help
Mine was fine in a 15 gal. If you keep the water clean and have lots of various pods and it takes to eating frozen brine and you have nothing that will bother it it will do splendidly :).
EDIT: Also there are sites online that sell various pod types you can seed your tank with. . I got tigger pods for mine. or raid your LFS tank filters for mysis like i did.


Originally Posted by nYgel
It depends on the fish, I was reading up last night on a guy who was doing a little experiment with one in a 10 gallon. He bought alot of pods and so far he's had it for a few months, he's trying to make it switch to other foods. I was going to try the same thing, but it sounds like it would cost alot to maintain the food supply.... My plan was to put some hidden pvc in the back and put a little breeding spot for the pods or somethign like that, It has a good chance of working, but I'm still not sure.
It has to be moving in the current for it to try and eat it, IME anyways. How mine took to frozen brine. Once she got used to it she picked it up off the sand even.