mandarin help

there filter feeders. they really only eat pods and things of that sort. i've rarely heard of anyone succeeding in getting there's to eat anything else. in fact i've only heard of one person doing it. you really have to have a large, well established tank to get them to live for long.


Not certain.. but I believe there is a mandarin that will eat brine.. Im not to sure but I believe the only difference is that it doesnt have orange circles around the dots.. but this is all info from a LFS.. so take it for what its worth.. ~DAniel
I once had a mandarin that i fed frozen blood worms and he loved em... man he was a pig, but died since i wasnt monitoring ph lvls like i should and the ph dropped pretty bad (

nm reef

Active Member
A manderians primary food source is copepods & amphipods. They require a well established pod population to survive. Mine does like mysis and blood worms...but...I think that without the healthy pod population it would not be around long.


Warble I have two mandrins and both of mine love frozen brine. I also have about 100lkbs of live rock in my 55 gallon for them to pick at. They are both pretty fat and happy. It is actually kinda funny sometimes they out race my yellow tailed damsels to get to the brine. From every thing I have been told and read about them I am very luck to have two mandirins that will take brine. Not sure if this helps. I just asked the guy at my lfs if I could see them eat and he fed them frozen brine in front of me so I bought them