mandarin losses color


I think this is kinda weird just wanted to see if it normal or if it's something i am doing wrong. when i get up in the morning and turn the lights on to feed my fish the mardin looks really pale and isn't moving but after about 10 mins of having the lights on. he has his bright colors back and is flying around the tank. do mandarin need more light then other fish?


that's good to know i was starting to worry about the poor guy. but when the lights are on he does get always hovering around the tank picking at stuff. such a cool fish!


I had to give mine up... not enough for him to eat in my tank... i will wait till it's more established then get him back for the lfs... they are such an awesome fish...
some fish would bug him and get in front of his swimming path and he would just crusie around them... such grace!
he's my buddy:D