mandarin question

Hi all .. i have a question about my mandarin .. i turned on the light this morning and his back end was white .. now my first thought was ick but then like a half hour later he /she was back to normal .. no sign of what... now is this a normal thing ... i have had him/her for a few months and i havent seen this happen . do they dull there colors so to speak .or could it be something else
thanks all :p


at night maderians secrete a slime like substance to avoid predaters when they sleep. mine looks gray when she does it. they shed this in the morning when they wake. thats probably what it was. what you can do is at night after the lights have been off for a couple hours take a flashlight and look at it. you'll see what i mean :)


Active Member
My mandarin does it too (although I didn't know it was due to a slime). I have noticed that a lot of fish seem to lose some of their color at night. My maroon clown does as well.

madd catt

green chromis that i have do the same thing after dark they must turn a lighter color than in the morning comes, lights go on they start to turn a little darker and more color.
thanks everyone .. i woke up this morn and was like omg ick but then i didnt see any spots .. i knew about the slime but i didnt know they dulled there color like that .. thanks ;)