Mandarin's diet


I run a wet/dry not a that a huge problem..?? Can putting in 200 pods at a time hurt in anyway ?


Do you have a lot of LR? I run a W/D and I have a huge pod population, but I have 50 lbs of LR in a 54 gal corner tank.


125 Lb's in a 80 RT..Just don't know what to look for I also have a SB of 3 Inches...I never was able to see a "pod" but I've seen alot of wierd things that might have been pods or whatever, I'm buying the pods anyways to put tthem in the DT...I'm sure I have plenty anyways I had the rock for a while now and I'm sure its under the rock or behind it or right in front of my eyes I'm just blind lol


The best time to look for pods is after its been dark in your tank for a while. You can shine a flashlight in the tank and you should see all the crazy activity. Sometimes I'll put just a little food in the tank before I shine the light. Then I see some crazy activity that you never see with the lights on.


Originally Posted by bgrae001
The best time to look for pods is after its been dark in your tank for a while. You can shine a flashlight in the tank and you should see all the crazy activity. Sometimes I'll put just a little food in the tank before I shine the light. Then I see some crazy activity that you never see with the lights on.
It is better to use a red filter as the flashlight itself might scare off some stuff worth seeing.


Originally Posted by NOTSONOOB
It is better to use a red filter as the flashlight itself might scare off some stuff worth seeing.
What is a red filter ? Can the flash light harm or stress out fish ?


I've never seen a pod either. I wouldnt know one if it bit me. I keep hoping there in my tank and I am just to dumb to know it. My tank is 100 gallon and been up over a year. Lots of LR.


Active Member
Best thing you can do is wait. Add the pod bottle and just give it time. Unless you already have pod eaters, the pods will go through a cycle and bloom themselves must like the algae during a cycle. The pods usually bloom a good bit after the tank cycles. After the pods come and go, you'll be left with a pod population strong enough to reproduce at a mandarin's consumption rate. "Adding 200 pods a day" isn't going to last very long and won't give the current population room to adjust properly.


Pods from this site are 10 bux a bag I ordered 3 bags, I do not plan on adding 200 a day I can't afford that. Should I drop in 1 bag (200) or 3 bags at one time...I have the mandarin for a few days.They went into an established tank with 125 lb's of LR. I don't see any pods but I haven't looked for them and don't know what to look for..why wouldn't I have pods ? I bought the pods anyways as precaution.