Manderin in hospital


Active Member
I was going to buy a manderin for my last fish, but was wondering if anyone had one in a hospital tank for any length of time.
I no they are hard to get to eat, just looking for ideas.


i had mine in my hospital for 1-2 weeks about 2 months after i got him, i saw he was getting really thin was thin when i got him also , anyway it was just plain tank ( this is obcourse before i knew about them only eating copods, anyway i just put in some frozen brine and eventually he started eating it, i actually just bought one yesterday i made sure it was eating frozen before i said i was taken him, also made store put on hold till sat this way i can once again make sure he is still eating frozen


Active Member
how's the pod popultaion in the main tank?
if strong, then you can use a piece of filter sponge, and put it behind the rock for a couple of days adn then take itout and put it in the q tanksome pods will go with it


Active Member
Good idea fshhub. I will try that.
My pods population was great until my tank got ich.:(
I broke down my refuge temporarily for a hypo hospital until I get the fish back in and cycle the refuge again.
I will wait till that is chuck full of pods before I add the fish.