mandrin goby vs. hermit crab

since the mandarin gobies like to chill at the bottom and hermit crabs like to slaughter everything should i get a tank divider to keep them apart? and if so will it affect the pump and water if only one side has the pump?
How big is this crab?!?! My mom had one that was I guess about 4 inches across. She thought it was cool until it killed everything in the tank. Then she took it back to her LFS.

class clown

Don't worry, the Mandarin will kill himself eventually anyway. Most of them only eat from live sand fauna. From what I've read around in this board, they are so hard to feed that they don't last very long unless they live in a massive tank with a rich DSB. Otherwise, they'll eat everything in the sand and eventually starve themselves to death.


Active Member
Class Clown, most of what you said was right, but as for a massive tank, that's untrue. I've seen Mandarins live for years in tanks as small as 20 gallons. What's needed to keep them alive is pods. The way to keep a Mandarin healthy, is to provide these pods. Some Mandarins will eat brine shrimp, but they too will eventually die. If you wish to keep a mandarin in a smaller tank, there are two suggestions I have. 1. Continually add microfauna to your tank, through Sand Activators, like at<a href="" target="_blank"></a>. 2. Dedicate a small tank to purely raising pods, and place some porous LR in it, and leave it for a day, and then transfer it to your display tank, with the mandarin, thus there is always a fresh supply of pods. You also need to provide a safe area for pods in the display tank, by making piles of LR rubble and such, sort of like a breeding ground for pods.


Copipods(spelling?) are the little guys that inhabit live sand beds and help clean things up.They also serve as food for some fish like gobies and some blennies.


i thought i was the only one who had crabs that killed each other <img src="graemlins//urrr.gif" border="0" alt="[urrr]" />


my hubby thinks i'm a crab and i havent pinched his nose off yet-or killed him while he sleeps.. <img src="graemlins//urrr.gif" border="0" alt="[urrr]" /> <img src="graemlins//eek.gif" border="0" alt="[eek]" /> :D ;) :p


I have had a mandarin in my tank for about a year now with 13 crabs and he is fine.Just provide the pods for him to eat as suggested above and you should have no problems.