mandrine blenny compatable


Is there any way that a lawnmower blenny could hurt my manderine? I have a manderine that has done very well for several years and I don't want to take any chances with it. Is there a problem for food sources? My problem is that I really need to move a lawnmower blenny from one tank to the other, but I am not going to if there is any way it would harm my manderine. He does like to eat the frozen fish food. Thank you!


Active Member
He should'nt bother him....there is always a possibility though.Each fish has a different personality.My LMB does'nt bother anyone.


I would say go for it!! They really shouldn't be competing for food. Your Mandrin should be hunting "pods" and the LMB should be "scraping" the algae off stuff.


my lmb has never shown any intrest in my mandrian ( green spotted ) altho the lmb has nip at my brittle on rare occasions