mandrine question


Active Member
I have 85lbs of mature rock
there are pods everywhere
At the LFS, they have a juvinile mandrine that is really skinny and starving, probable only 1 week or so left for the little guy
They are selling it for 14, i offered 5 to take it off their hands.
They refused and their lowest offer was 10.
I was going to call back later and offer 7
what are the chances of it surviving?
since it is starving yo death, would it even survive the trip to a new home and adjusting to a new tank?


Active Member
It will probably survive the trip, it's whether or not it begins to eat that's the big question. If it were me I'd skip it and buy a healthy one later. But if you like to rescue puppies, go for it! :D


Active Member
i tried rescuing one pretty recently. I also had tons of pods and there was a realy skinny mandarin. I know i shouldnt have, but i bought him. They were feeding it brine, but there were also clownfish in the tank, so they ate all of it. He was too malnurished and owuld not eat, even the pods in my tank. He would literaly be sitting on piles of them. He passed away after a while. :'-(. All my levels were fine, and my small moroon was doing fine, so i know it wasnt the water. I tried putting in vitamin suppliments to try to nurse him back to health....didnt work...


10bucks go for it. its a 50/50. its better than him sitting in a lfs with no pods. if hes still swimming u mite have a shot. he mite go nuts and eat they all!!!


I go with jobob if its 10 bucks try and save the poor fish. its a 50 50 chance but hey you never know.


Its such a shame, that LFS should at least give you the opportunity to save that fish! Do you have a good rapport with the people at the store? It just seems as if they would rather make a sale than to possibly give it to someone who can try to bring it to life. They should let you take it home for the price $7. and if he doesnt make it - no loss for the store. That way -- they are giving that poor fish a chance to live!!!!!!!!!!!!
Visit the fishie tomorrow and see how he is, if he looks good and no further degeneration -- go for it!! :jumping: