mangrove plants

30 hex

I am having trouble finding info on how mangrove seedlings do in a reef tank. Are they good for reefs, do they grow fully submerged, and if so do they get out of hand with a live sand bed? any info would be great. :confused:


Using a mangrove is sort of like having caulerpa in your tank. It is natural filtration for the tank. The real problem with them is the set-up. You have to have plenty of room for the mangrove to grow and get light, while giving the tank enough light. They grow with roots in the water, and the trunk/leaves above water. Most people wedge them in live rock or sand. One way to do it is to set up a small auxillary tank that just has water flowing through it from the tank, and set it up in a window, or with more lighting. If you live in a warm climate, you could even put the auxillary tank outside so that it would get real sunlight, but that is a plumbing nightmare. Mangroves are sanctuaries for a lot of fish, and even sharks when they are young. They get protection from the sea birds and larger fish.
[ May 30, 2001: Message edited by: Sonny ]


New Member
I too am about to attempt to use mangroves with a reef tank. from what i've read on the net, mangroves come in different stages.
just the seed pod...pod with stalk...with leaves...etc. when you get the mangroves it's best to float them with styrofoam in the sump or aquarium until they put out roots and them you can plant them in the sand. if you want i can send you the email address of a place in hawaii that is sending me my mangroves...they are 3.50 a piece and 15 for shipping.


Staff member
Considering that I live within 100 yds of all the mangroves I could possible want to pick, it is funny to be asking, but I wouldn't mind knowing where to get some online.
If someone doesn't mind emailing me. Email address, below.

30 hex

Thanks everyone. They sound like a great product. I am surprised that the topic sat on the board so long before getting responses.I will have to try it when i have some space.