Manjo Anem** HELP


Need some help getting rid of manjo's, I thought they were some type of coral I was all excitied something for free.......not such a great freebe as I watch them start to spread like wildfire.......


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Fishy125
Need some help getting rid of manjo's, I thought they were some type of coral I was all excitied something for free.......not such a great freebe as I watch them start to spread like wildfire.......

LOL...I did the same thing when I first started. If that is the only "coral" in the tank..get a chocolate chip starfish, take it back to the LFS after the tank is clear of them.


Active Member
My peppermints have eaten a couple small ones. Unrelated, I noticed one hitchhiking on a coral frag and pinched it off with my fingers, how something that small can smell so bad is a real mystery. LOL


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Fishtaco
My peppermints have eaten a couple small ones. Unrelated, I noticed one hitchhiking on a coral frag and pinched it off with my fingers, how something that small can smell so bad is a real mystery. LOL
+1 they don't shrink into the rock like aiptasia and can be pinched off, but if you don't get it entirely it will grow back. You can also take a plastic butter knife and scrape it gently at the base until it releases and then grab it out. If you scrape it off yourself it will leave some behind, so make sure it releases on its own, you just want to irritate it enough to release.
Chocolate chip star does the best job to eat them up in just a day or two.