Mantis in Glass?



For anyone who keeps a mantis, in a small tank.
Have they ever cracked your glass? Or do you just use acrylic or plastic 20g L's to hold one?


I'm sitting here typing and in the back ground I hear poping on the glass of my 20 gal with 18lbs LR a Clarkii clown, Big bubble tip anenome, fire gobbie, scotter blennie, 2 emerald crabs, 15 red leg hermits, 3 feather dusters, bunch of snails & a large neon blue hermit.
Question: If that tapping is a Mantis is he going to start killing stuff and if so how do I get that lil sob outa there?
Sounds like a rock tapping the glass. I can't find him.


Well deffinately going to consider a small acrylic, or just scrap the idea of a mantis tank like I scrapped the idea of a sea horse tank. Oh well.
I've heard that filling a bucket with your aquarium water and raising the salinity to about 40, instead of the normal range, than place in your live rock a piece at a time. Will get any creatures to jump out of it... trying to find less salty water. Look it up, I think in the reef forum a few days ago.
Offshore, how long has the tank been set up ? Have you added any new rock recently ?
You could have a pistol shrimp,If you had one you would see a decline in the hermit population and he would make short work of the emeralds. (mine goes thru 10 hermits in about a month)
If you have one they can be a real challenge to catch. Next time you feed keep an eye on the rock and see if you see something poking his head out to be sure.